вторник, 8 сентября 2020 г.

10 Ways to Show ‘I Love You’


Get Creative with Your Favorite Phrase

People think that saying those three magical (and sometimes terrifying words) “I love you” is the hardest part of the game. Climbing to the top of that emotional mountain seems like such an accomplishment, that we sometimes forget how to live what we speak. Here are 10 ways to show your lover that you don’t just talk the talk, you walk the love walk, as well.

Coming Home to a Bouquet of Fresh Flowers

This may seem cliche, but there is nothing quite as lovely as the simple act of buying your lover flowers. It creates a fragrant and romantic ambience and is very thoughtful. Flowers cheer up any room, and can turn any frown upside down! Yes, men can receive flowers, too, and it actually works well when you turn the tables! They feel appreciated and pleasantly surprised; you can’t go wrong!

Little, Random Love Notes

As your love stumbles into the shower at 6 am, wouldn’t it be a sweet surprise to find a little note attached to the mirror in the bathroom, saying how much you love being with him or her? How about as they grab their briefcase, backpack, or purse and reach in to find a little note that says something amorous? A little note can go a long way, and when you have something tangible to look at throughout your day, it can definitely put a little spring in your step!

Making Their Favorite Meal From Scratch

Nothing shows how you can nurture your partner more than cooking for them. There is something seductive about feeding your partner delicious, homemade food that they crave. Whether you are a great chef or hardly boil water well, the important part is to try. The effort shows more than the perfect finished product, and if all else fails, you can have a good laugh together (which is always sexy) over burning the casserole and order take-out, instead!

Speaking of Food...Plan a Picnic

Bring some fabulous wine, really good crusty bread, some juicy fruits (like pomegranates or strawberries), and any other delicious items you want. Grab an old blanket and lay it out at the park or nearby grassy field and lay with one another, looking up at the sky. Feel the breeze on your skin, the sun kissing your face and enjoy the moments of being with your lover.

Little Treats Go a Long Way

Does your partner enjoy running? Sneak little treats into their running shoes, like new running socks or sunscreen. Do they love a certain type of candy? Plan a trip to the movies and sneak in their favorite snack that they don’t care at the concession stand. How about their favorite coffee drink? Pick them one up on your way home to show that they were on your mind. These ideas may seem minute and even silly, but making your lover smile can reinvigorate the relationship and keep it fresh.

Babysit for the Night

If you have children, giving your love the night off to do something that they want to do, whether it’s catch up with a friend, visit family, or just be alone to read or relax without interruptions can really go a long way. By allowing one another some free time, you are building on your trust for each other, you are strengthening mutual respect and understanding for one another’s needs, and you are giving that person a chance to reboot. By giving of yourself, you show your love that you are in this for the long run.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Little random emails or 
text messages that say simple things like “thinking of u” or “xo miss u” can really brighten someone’s day, especially if they are having a challenging day at work or school or wherever they are at. It isn’t necessarily what you say that is important, it’s the fact that you took a few moments out of your day to let them know that they are on your mind.

House Chores

Does your partner hate to iron? What about vacuum? Whatever task at home your partner loathes, surprise them by doing it before they get the chance to. Coming home to your basket of clothes being folded and pressed, or finding a clean kitchen in the morning is a wonderful feeling. Housework can be overwhelming and never ending. Seeing your partner make an effort for you and your home let’s you know there is love and respect residing in your house.


The act of 
touching your lover in a soothing, relaxing way can really enhance not only your relationship, but the sexual and sensual energy between the two of you. If your lover has had a long day or just looks uncomfortable, tell them to sit down and rub their shoulders for a while. This doesn’t have to be a full-on hour long massage. Just sitting for ten minutes rubbing away some stress can really melt tension that they are feeling.


Sounds like a no-brainer, but it is always important to keep affection and flirtation in your marriage. Little kisses here and there, just hugging for no reason, subtle touching on the lower back or holding hands as you walk down the street can create a sense of unity and keep you bonded with your partner. Yes, some couples don’t like PDA, but you can always snuggle on the couch together or take a bath in the privacy of your own home. This isn’t about sex. This is about getting the love energy flowing between the two of you and that starts with a wink and a kiss!

There are a million different ways to show your lover that you care. I have only listed a few. Whatever way you decide to demonstrate your love, just remember, the greatest gifts come from the heart.


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