среда, 16 июня 2021 г.

How To Manipulate The Game


According to Roosh and Game In BK (who both have game), even if you have game in the conversational sense, you will only sleep with 3-4% of the women that you approach. I don't even want to imagine the percentage for guys that don't have game in the conversational sense. I think that percentage is just insane. Roosh lays out two options that he has:

1. Go out more to increase the odds of finding girls that I like.

2. Lower my standards.

I have nothing to say about his options, however, there are two other options that he has that I've talked about on my blog:

3. Go where/when there is less competition.

Too many PUAs go to overcrowded nightclubs where there is simply too much competition, even for the attractive guy. I've talked about this extensively. I will not go anywhere that is too crowded simply because there are too many distractions for a woman. If you can't get decent comfort game going because of various distractions or there being too many good options for a woman, then that is not a place where you want to be.

4.  Be the guy to set the bar high.

If you don't think you can be one of the best options for a woman in that particular nightclub, then you need to go somewhere else and come back when you are. And I'm saying this from a realistic standpoint; not from some kind of I think therefore I am standpoint. I know I can be the funniest guy that a girl will ever meet. However, if I am not in a funny mood, then I know that I will have to rely on my looks. And if for whatever reason, if most of the guys around me are NFL players, guys rocking Gucci, or are just high rollers that I can't realistically best, then I know that I need to go somewhere else where I am one of the top guys.

It also looks like Roosh is going through a phase that I went through (you can read about it in my stories). He is in a position where he knows that his wingmen really are a self-inflicted obstacle, but he doesn't want to tell them to stay out of his sets. Wingmen are a bigger problem than what anyone is willing to admit. It can be tough, because it looks like you are choosing a woman over your friends. I think that eventually, he will have to address them. You can still go out with your friends and have fun without having to invite them into your sets.

And finally, I think that if you know that you're going to have to approach any number of women before getting a lay, then you need to cut through the bullshit as soon as possible. Women usually know whether they like you or not before you even open your mouth. Why waste time having a conversation with a girl that has no intention of giving you any real shot in the first place?

I'm not saying that a guy should show interest throughout his conversation, however, he should express it during his approach just to see if the girl has any real interest as well. That way, he doesn't waste time on a maybe chicks, and he can focus his time on women that are actually interested in him from the get-go. However,  most men will ignore this advice. Why? Because like I said in another post, PUAs get addicted to "almost" pulling a girl. For a lot of guys, that's better than getting flat out rejected at the very start, even if they waste time on these maybe girls that could be used on women that are actually interested.

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вторник, 8 июня 2021 г.

How To Feel Comfortable In Your Own Skin

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be great with women?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be great with women at the expense of your own feelings?

Sometimes I get the feeling guys are always looking for a quick fix to an area of their life that deserves so much more attention than that.

I remember when I first starting meeting women. To get me out into the real world as fast as possible, David got me using canned material. This was awesome as it allowed me to talk to women immediately…

Soon I was having great interactions with women. The sort of interactions with women that I thought were never possible for me.

However, it was not long before I started feeling uncomfortable. I felt like this because I felt that it wasn’t really me. That I was using underhand tactics to meet women. Something that should be totally natural.

I didn’t Feel Comfortable In My Own Skin

Part of David’s training can sometimes involve using a pre-tested ‘line’ as it allows you to get out in the real world as quickly as possible. This is great because it bolsters your confidence and makes you realize you have the ability to meet and attract hot women.

When you get past this initial stage you may start to feel like you want to adapt to a more natural approach. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is something that we really focus on here at Social Masters.

Feeling comfortable means doing things that are congruent with your natural behavior. For example, if you don’t like motorbikes but you end up telling motorbike stories to impress women because some website told you to then you are not gonna feel comfortable about it.

Ask yourself…

Do you do things that make you feel awful just to meet and attract women?

Now I am not on about that awful feeling you get when you are about to approach. We all get that :-).

Instead I am on about the feeling you get when you have used underhand methods to attract a girl. Maybe you told her a story about yourself that wasn’t true. Or you told her about all your ‘hobbies’. Hobbies you don’t actually do, but thought it would impress her.



четверг, 3 июня 2021 г.

Sticking To Your Stereotypes

I covered this topic in Deeper Than Game, but Tazzy Bee also said something similar:

I've realized recently that when a woman approaches you , it is because she is extremely attracted to whatever stereotype you project. This means for black men , whenever a white woman approaches , its best to stick with direct / mode one type of game.

These are very true words. It's always good to be different, but it's best not to stray too far away from the stereotypes that women believe about men like you. Sure, you may get a girl that may like your uniqueness, but these women are rare. The types of women that will choose you or like you instantly, will most likely like you because of some stereotype or preconceived belief that they have about men that are similar to you (what you appear to be).

For example, if you are a black guy that hangs around white people and primarily white nightclubs like I do, then yes, you want to fit in with your white friends, but at the same time, you still want to be a black guy. It's best to fit in just enough so that you aren't an outcast, but at the same time, you want to maintain your blackness because if a girl chooses you, she most likely will choose you because of the stereotypes associated with black guys.

And let's not limit this to black guys. White guys should do the same. You need to go heavily in the direction of a rocker, fratboy, hipster, etc.,. Why? Because women who like white guys, tend to like white guys that fit one of those descriptions. It's not enough to just be a white guy; you gotta be a stereotypical white guy in one of the categories of white guys that women are attracted to.

I believe that this is the reason that when it comes to women, black guys either flourish, or they continually fail. The black guys who fail may be able to attract women with their looks, but if they've never hung around black jocks or thugs, then they have no idea of what women who choose black guys like about them. This is usually the case with black guys from the suburbs who never became jocks or spent any considerable amount of time around inner city black guys.

For example, I know of a couple of black guys that go the heavily rocker route with the crazy earrings, chains, etc. These guys are basically white guys. However, these guys don't get any women. Why not? Even when a woman is into the rocker scene who likes black guys, she probably likes black guys because of some of the stereotypes about their personalities. So what happens when these girls in the rocker scene talk to these black guys and find out that these guys are totally white? They get turned off and move on.

The same goes for older guys in general. The women that choose older men aren't looking for older men that are trying to impress them with tricks and routines. They want older men because they are stereotypically experienced, calm, confident, etc. So what happens when a chick chooses an older guy and then sees that he is performing all kinds of tricks and routines to impress her? She gets turned off and moves on.

I'm not saying that you have to play up every stereotype, afterall, my voice, style of clothing, and vocabulary is the same of a typical frat asshole white guy, but at the same time, I know how to play up the right black stereotypes. I know how to be cool, calm, dominating, etc., so I still get the girls that are into black guys without scaring them off because of not being "black enough".

No matter if you're old, black, white, hispanic, if there's something about your race, age, social class, etc., that a group of women tend to go for, then you need to play up some of the stereotypes associated with it, as the women who choose those guys, choose them for stereotypical reasons. You can still be unique and be yourself, but make sure that you don't stray too far away from what women like about guys that you are stereotyped to be like. A lot of PUAs have trouble because they don't just pick a stereotypical direction and go with it.


If you're dating outside of your race, you obviously want to fit in culturally with whatever women you are going after, but at the same time, if there's something that is positively associated with your race, then you want to maintain it. Again, I'm a black guy that likes keggers, some rock music, and art, which makes me appealing to white girls, but at the same time, I have the positive personality traits that are associated with black guys, such as being decisive, cool, etc.
