Have you ever been on a date and simply could not summon yourself to pull the trigger? I’m talking about when you sensed the moment was right to take her hand, give her a kiss, or put your arm around her but didn’t act? This is probably the number one attraction killer there is. These are the dates women describe to their friends as “He was nice but there was no chemistry.”
What I find interesting is that even guys who have very little experience with women can sense when the moment is right to escalate physical intimacy.
What women don’t understand is why you didn’t act. A lot of women will think that you actually didn’t like them, or they did something to turn you off. Meanwhile you are furious at yourself because you really like this girl.
Welcome to Sexual Anxiety. The result of SA is that you are unable to advance the interaction to the physical plane. The causes are many. One of the most common is your own inner game. A lot of us have been taught that sex is dirty or bad. It’s something to be done behind closed doors and not to be discussed. If we have this perception, it’s going to be mighty difficult to overwhelm it on the fly during a date and make your move. In order to successfully change, we have to deconstruct this internal belief and alter our perception that sex is not bad. It’s biological.
This is one example of how I believe that inner game is the most limiting aspect and the biggest problem for guys have who are unsuccessful dating girls. Now the second part to solving this problem comes down to skill set and practice.
Yes, men DO think sex is something dirty, bad and something for behind closed doors. Major taboo present here.
But, men have seem to forgotten the fact that women WANT you to take the lead. Sure, feminism yelling women should be bosses too is cool… but it’s something of the last 100 years. Meanwhile, men leading society, women and so on has been a thing for thousands and thousands of years.
The result: on a genetical level, feminism “doesn’t count” (yet) while men leading women does, because both men and women genetically expect it.
Do you realize what this means?
Women want YOU to be the one that gets physical with them first, they want you to lead… so go and lead already.
If she’s on a date with you, laughing a lot, giggling a lot, talking a lot? She’s enjoying herself and she wants to be kissed… so go for it!
Do you know those sleezy romance novels women alays eat up? In it, guy grabs girl by her hairs and passionately kisses her in the middle of the street…
Women want that in real life too! So don’t be a wuss, do something good: if you know she’s interested, stop her in the middle of the street, gently lay your hand on the back of her head and kiss her.
Won’t she be suprised Dennis? Yes she will, but it’s a pleasant surprise my friend you should take the lead more, be more dominant…