воскресенье, 19 апреля 2020 г.

Campus Romance on Break

Kevin Milne of The DePauw (Indiana’s Oldest College Newspaper) offers advice to those couples maintaining relationships over the summer. Of course, this is pertaining to couples who are still in school and probably goes to the same school.

The article states 5 simple tips — from corresponding to respecting each other’s privacy —- on how to survive the break. The distance doesn’t automatically mean “break-up”, don’t you agree?

Summer lovin’: Keeping your campus romance alive during break
by Kevin Milne

If you’ve got more tips to share, perhaps it’s something that’s known to be effective (cuz you’ve tried it!) or important (rule of thumb?), feel free to leave them on the comments area. We’d all appreciate it!

Michelle Trachtenberg Dating Chace Crawford

New “Gossip Girl” Michelle Trachtenberg spoke with Michael Yo and Hyla from “Yo on E!” about her new gig, rumors of dating Chace Crawford, her thoughts on friends Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson and joking about dating co-star Blake Lively.

I still think Chase and Carrie Underwood made a much cuter couple, but if these two are looking for immediate gratification of a close relationship and can’t deal with long distance relationships - this is probably a good move for these two.

Does distance play a roll in who you date or not?  Would you abandoned the one you love to be with the one you can be with?

Experts say, more than 90 percent of people lie in their online dating profiles.

GASP - Can you even imagine?

Women in their twenties and thirties are known to deduct anywhere from five to twenty pounds from their weight, while men tend to lie most often about income, education level and, yes, relationship status.

Those slimy cheating bastards! *hmpf*

Seriously though - for anyone who has been on the dating scene long enough to participate in online dating and personal ads will know they’ve either been the one to lie or they’ve been the one lied to - possibly even both!

From “I’m tall dark and handsome” as written by the short and the stubby from the men - to the “I’m thin and petite” from the rolly and polly women - we’ve seen and heard them all.  So now for your entertainment hop on over to read the 10 most overused online dating lies.

пятница, 17 апреля 2020 г.

10 Personality Traits Every Great Girlfriend Should Have

Most guys can describe the physical characteristics of their ideal girlfriend. They have an idea of her height, body shape, and hair color. But once you find that girl, you have to ask yourself if she has a great personality. Or is she spoiled, uncaring, and irresponsible? Here are 10 personality traits every great girlfriend should have:

A sense of humor

A good girlfriend will find her man funny and laugh at his jokes. But a great girlfriend will try to make up her own to make her boyfriend laugh too. If she doesn’t find anything funny, she might be either extremely boring or be prone to having depression. Along with the requisite sense of humor, your girlfriend should laugh at funny movies, like watching Saturday Night Live at least a little bit, and get a kick out of watching stupid YouTube videos.


Most women, by nature, are compassionate. This is probably the most common trait on this list.
However, it should not be ignored. Even if your girl has a hard edge to her, she should still be kind to
animals, sweet to children, and respectful to the elderly.


For some reason, some girls think they are fabulous enough that they can get their way through life
without any manners. Watch out for lack of “please” and “thank you” where appropriate. Other bad
manners are texting in the movie theater, constantly interrupting a conversation, or frequent swearing.
You should never be embarrassed by the way your girlfriend acts in a public place.


Do not get involved with a girl that doesn’t pay her bills, is always a half hour late, and flaky. Your
girlfriend should have a stable job, a decent place to live, and take care of her own problems. If she’s
irresponsible in other areas of her life, she might not place high importance on her relationship. If she
can’t take care of her own problems, she probably will ask her boyfriend at some point to help fix them. Along with being responsible, she should be an honest person.

Values Education

Watch out for girls who don’t think education is important. Not everybody needs to go to college to be successful in life. But if she dropped out of high school and is determined to be a student of life, heed caution. If you marry a girl that is a high school dropout, it is unlikely that down the line as a parent, she will place a high value on education. She should be able to print neatly, type without looking at the keys, do simple math, and carry a conversation. If she didn’t go to college or doesn’t want to, find out why.


Goals are important for anybody. You should have your own goals for your future, and your girlfriend
should have her own. If she doesn’t have an idea of what kind of life she sees for herself in ten years, be careful. Part of having a strong relationship is setting goals as a couple. You should not need to explain to your girlfriend what goals are and why they are important.


Every girl should have some sense of personal pride. She should shower daily, know how to style her
hair, and look presentable. To most girls, this comes naturally. But like the compassion trait, it should not be overlooked. You don’t want to be in a relationship with somebody who does not wash her hands after using the restroom.

Active Lifestyle

Your girlfriend’s activity level should be close to your own. If you enjoy hiking, camping, and working out, she should too. You should both equally enjoy every activity you do together. On the other hand, if you both enjoy playing board games or going to the movies on a Saturday afternoon, that’s fine too.

Respect for the Environment

These days, being “green” is not a trend, it is a lifestyle. Your girlfriend doesn’t need to drive a hybrid, but she should care about the planet. Littering, throwing cigarettes out the car window, or wasting resources are not attractive qualities. Caring for the environment is an important trait that goes along with compassion and respect.


Your girlfriend should have her own bank account and source of earned income. She should be able to save, budget, and really understand the value of a dollar. Her boyfriend is not a bank and should not be expected to pay for everything. If you pay for meals or activities, she should always express appreciation and not take these things for granted.

вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse

For what experts say is probably the first time, more American women are living without a husband than with one, according to a New York Times analysis of census results.

In 2020, 51 percent of women said they were living without a spouse, up from 35 percent in 1950 and 49 percent in 2000.

This article in the NY Times goes on to list several factors they believe to be causing this shift including the fact that women are living longer than their spouses and don’t remarry - as well as women are waiting longer to marry to begin with.

Being a part of a successful marriage has a number of challenges, I won’t lie!  But I don’t think I’d want to become a part of the aforementioned statistics should anything happen to my husband.

If you’re a single woman and reading this, would you mind chiming in and letting us know why you’re single?  By choice, haven’t found the right man, not looking at all?  What?

Do guys really want an old-fashioned wife?

I’m in the process of conducting a bit of a ‘non-scientific study’ for someone who recently proposed the question on whether or not men genuinely want to end up marrying an old fashioned kind of girl.

We’ve all heard it from our mother’s and grandmothers - but then again, we all know that ‘times change‘ - right?

I took my little investigation over to a forum where a diverse crowd of singles tend to hangout.  After presenting the same question there, I was able to draw my own conclusion from the small percentage of men and women who actually responded.

What I’m seeing is that women are the ones that want to be old fashioned - the stay-at-home-mom and housewife - while men seem to want their wife to have some sort of marketable skill and to help out with the family finances.

Is that a safe assumption?

What are your thoughts?

вторник, 7 апреля 2020 г.

Men And Calendars

I am not talking about work calendars here. I am sure guys take serious care of their meeting schedules. However, when it comes to anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s day or even Christmas season, it seems that guys don’t necessarily treat these dates as important as their performance review dates.

A few friends complained that their guys forgot about V-Days, B-Days and other important dates. Or, they did remember but didn’t think it was necessarily to give any gifts. I know what women would say, “What?! That would just piss me off!”

Men and valentine

Again, it’s that tricky DNA difference causes both genders to view these dates from completely different angels.

I am a woman so I can definitely speak from a woman’s perspective. We use these dates as some sort of “test” to measure how much our men value our relationships. It is not necessary about how expensive the gifts are. It’s about that thought and how much effort the guy has put in. For example, a diamond necklace wins a huge smile, however, a home made gourmet dinner made by the guy who doesn’t know how to cook will win his woman’s tears. Again, it’s about thoughts and efforts. Of course, some women view the amount of cash equal to the amount of efforts. I guess that’s why the diamonds are always popular in all occasions.

Men, on the other hand, hate these dates, mostly because of the pressure of getting the perfect gifts. They want to make their women happy and pick the perfect gifts but not sure if they are doing it right. So they secretly hope these dates will just come and go quietly.

The worst men can do on these big dates are exactly what men want to do: nothing. I bet if the guys talk to their women (unless your girl is an evil gold digger), most of them would say, “Just get me anything.”

But that “anything” might still puzzle a lot of not-so-shop-savvy male shoppers. Tomorrow, I will run a list of easy-to-get gifts that will make your women happy. Stay tuned…

вторник, 31 марта 2020 г.

After Intimacy He Said He “Wasn’t Expecting THAT”

After hitting the sack with her potential paramour, a reader named Jess gave her an intriguing response, and she’s looking for a manslation to try to figure out why. So — why would a man, after sex (in which he participated) say, “I wasn’t expecting that”?

Could be a couple of things. Let’s see if we can figure out which one it is.
Hey Jeff,
I’m a sex-positive kinda girl, never got too hung up on the right number of dates before sex (yeah, ok, first date if the mood was right), have lots of tales and very few regrets.
Freaking hurray, yahoo, and huzzah for “sex-positive.” People would have so much more fun if they’d just have more fun. Safety first, mind-blowing fun second. Puritanical prudery, like, 900th.
Several times, I got a response from a guy that just baffled me, tho, so I just gotta ask.
Hey, if it’s only several times that you were baffled, bravo. Personally, I spend the vast majority of my day baffled.
Now, I’ve been known to INSPIRE unexpected behavior, but I am not a dominant and I certainly never forced a guy to do what he didn’t want to do. It’s a go-with-the-flow thing for me, if I’m feeling it. Which means, while I will enthusiastically meet him halfway, I typically let him initiate.
SO - what does it mean when he says, afterwards, “I wasn’t expecting that” ?
Ah, the oooold, “What the hey!? How on EARTH did THAT get in THERE?!”
If I had only heard that once or twice, I wouldn’t think twice, but I’ve heard that, well, more than once or twice :)And it always put me off. Like, he didn’t know foreplay might lead to sex?
Like, he’s disappointed I said yes?
HEAVY on the nope.
Like, I went from madonna to whore?
Nah, I don’t think anyone still currently alive has this archetype in their head. If anyone ever did.
Like, I was the only one there?
This one, I don’t follow. But it’s not that either.
Or what??? When I hear this, it feels like he’s trying to weasel out of some kind of responsibility for Something .
I think we might have a winner. More in a sec…
… and I thought we just had a good time. There’s no one around the corner with a shotgun, dude…
Oh, like you know that for SURE?
On one occasion, I heard it BEFORE the deed. Seemed somehow to make a positive difference.
Interesting. And your gut reaction was likely right. A guy says, “I wasn’t expecting we were going to do what we’re about to do,” and it likely means that he’s psyched to go through with it. A guy who says it afterwards likely didn’t say SQUAT beforehand, for fear of spooking the prey.
Now, I have a not-boyfriend who’s my kinda guy… we giggled through the morning after sex (what was your name again?), and three months later have survived our mutual commitment-phobic hysteria, with, you guessed it, break-up sex, no wait, make-up sex. Never once have I heard “I didn’t expect that” from him, so this is not a current crisis. Just a curiosity.
Dear Jess,
Well, as I indicated above, I think your gut reaction was likely on the money. Not just because of my own experience with this phrase, but because you said that it was “off-putting.” I trust your instinct on this one. I mean, is it possible that a guy would say this and it wouldn’t mean he’s trying to back out the door? Of course, sure. He could just be informing you of his lack of precognition, sure. And there are some situations where a guy just wants to let you know that he wasn’t trying to pressure you or anything.
But not mostly. Lots of times, this is one of those code phrases.
The manslation of “I wasn’t expecting THAT” after sex is usually that his brain is scrambling for the right thing to say. His mind, in these cases, is working overtime because his expectation is that for most women, sex = commitment (of some kind or another.) Right or wrong, that’s what a lot of guys think.
(Now, in your case, it happens to be wrong. You do it when you feel like it, and there may or may not be ANYthing attached to it besides the fact that, you know, sex is FUN. Which, you know, bravo YOU.)
Anyway, when a guy says this, it’s basically a VERY non-committal way to say, “Gol-ly, ma’am! That sure was fun!” even if he isn’t Gomer Pyle. He wants to let you know:
a.) He enjoyed it,
b.) He wasn’t expecting it, but most importantly
c.) Because he wasn’t expecting it, he should be given status as an innocent bystander of YOUR intention to have sex, and should therefore not be expected to maintain anything.
Ten bucks says that most times the guy who says this has zero clue that this is what’s happening. It’s yet another one of those moments where he’s talking, but even HE isn’t listening. Follow his lead — don’t listen. This phrase doesn’t mean what it says, so don’t even listen to it.
Good luck, Jess. Sounds like you’ve found yourself a guy who DOES expect it, and I’m guessing he gets it, so forget all about this phrase. But if you hear it again, have some fun and say in your best Beverly Hillbillies accent, “Gawrsh, me neither. Ah guess we’d best get down to the preacherman ‘n git hitched right quick a-fore muh pappy gets home!
Oh ladies…ever heard this one? Did the guy stick around afterwards?

вторник, 24 марта 2020 г.

When you are Having a Bitter Divorce

Sometimes, it’s interesting how technology can be used, even in peoples’ private affairs. If you want to end a relationship, you can simply text or send an e-mail. If you are feeling depressed over a split from your partner, you can start a blog to vent your frustrations and loneliness.

Cragislist Dating

And if you are going through a bitter divorce, you can resort to YouTube to reveal sordid details of your ex’s life. Well, if you have read the news, a British actress uploaded a YouTube recording which discusses the divorce she was having. Once married to the largest theatre owner on Broadway, she used YouTube to reveal embarassing details of her ex-husband’s private life such as how she found Viagra, porn and condoms belonging to him.
I guess when you are feeling revengeful or want a better deal out of the divorce proceedings, you simply don’t care if what you are going to broadcast will be watched by millions worldwide. Maybe this would be the trend of future divorce cases, who knows? Divorce, YouTube style!
Anyway, I think it is only common to have a tinge of bitterness when our marriage ends in divorce. But sometimes, how we come out of it also depends on our own emotional maturity. If we set out purposely to embarass our ex over the public media, it would also reflect badly on us, isn’t it?
Your message indicates that you think that if a man dislikes a woman’s shady sexual past, he must therefore be insecure. I disagree and note that there is a world of difference between being insecure and being disgusted by a particular woman’s extremely skanky past.
OP, I think what you’re worried about is not her previous job. It’s what it makes you wonder about her character. Why that job? Why did she stay in it so long? How does she view sex, relationships, fidelity? Ask those questions, the ones that are at the heart of your unease.
I also think you need to know that a disproportionate number of young women of your generation have been involved in some part of the sexual entertainment industry. Y’all grew up a time where there’s this pretense that it’s all good and all free with no consequences. That’s not true as you can see now. But it’s part of what your generation is dealing with. Be kind and generous and fair about it OK?
I worked as a waitress in a strip club once upon a time ago. I only lasted about two weeks, because I couldn’t take the constant barrage from men attempting to buy off my personal boundaries. Personally I find it hard to believe that the OP’s girlfriend lasted three years working in a strip club without ever being seduced by making easy money doing a little side action. That said, does it matter? I don’t think it should. (Though to be honest, if someone I were dating revealed that he was a male hustler back in the day, I don’t think that would sit too well with me.)

вторник, 17 марта 2020 г.

Broaden Your Vision, The Whole World Belongs To you

An old Farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bible. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the Bible just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bible do?”
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.”
The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.
This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.
The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Grandpa, it’s useless!”.
“So you think it is useless?” The old man said, “Look at the basket.”
The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
“Son, that’s what happens when you read the Bible. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of GOD in our lives.”
“Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you.”dummy adsense deluxe code

Dating Frustrations

There are so many single people frustrated when it comes to their dating situation.  I wish I had a magic bullet to come up with one solution that would work for everyone to improve their love life. A year ago I was looking for the magic bullet myself.  The bottom line is you have to be in it to win it.  You need to stay open to new ideas of ways to meet new people. If the internet dating isn’t working for you let your friends and co-workers know that your willing to be fixed up if they know of someone.  Or, how about joining a sports group such as a skiing or volleyball club.  Find what interests you and research what organizations are out there to join.  In the next coming weeks I will post more ideas for finding your soul mate.  The bottom line is there is work and energy on your part to make this happen.