среда, 15 июля 2020 г.

Lunchtime Boobjob Edition

Hello there, gentle readers. And hello to you as well, very rough readers, with your giant, oversized muscles and bloody knuckles, frightening the animals and eating the children. Hello to you both.
Before we sign off for the weekend, leaving you to manslate for yourselves for two whole days (after which you will ALL come RIGHT BACK HERE on Monday, and every other day after that, forever and ever, no more discussion, thank you very much) I’d like to just touch on a couple of manslatable news items that I saw this week:


Yep. It’s that easy now. They numb your butt and your boobs, they put some of your butt into your boobs, and over the course of six months they become big. (I’m not a doctor, you understand. That’s a sort of “high-level” description.) Hell, this sounds so simple, I’m probably going to get it done myself.
I almost feel a little bad about something that these women don’t realize as they walk back to work after lunch with their numb butts and boobs. Six months from now when they have their dream rack, they’ll be forced to date the same idiots they were with before. Just with less eye contact.
Here’s the manslation — men do want to have sex with women who have big, fake boobs. However, they also want to have sex with women who have everything else. We’ll probably have sex with you either way, so save your money. Unless you want to be a pornstar or a newscaster — something where it’s important. Then, by all means, go for it.


Yes, that’s right, tragedy struck at the annual running of the bulls when only seven of the morons were gored this year. Even worse, none of the wounds seem to have been fatal.
There is not a more macho-douchebag activity in the world than this one. Come on, bulls. We count on you to keep these walnut-brained primates from passing along their feeble, mouth-breathing genes to yet another generation of domestic abusers. At least see if you can’t catch them right in the ol’ specials with those horns you’re sporting.
Here’s the manslation: “I have chosen to run from enraged bulls because I want women to know that I am brave in the face of dangerous beasts in the wild. Apparently the last 20,000 years of civilization have slipped my mind. Oh, and I have a tiny wang.”


Honestly, I’m just glad that this story was reported at all. I spent that whole night alone at home, naked, in the fetal position, praying that she wouldn’t be nervous.
Of course she wasn’t nervous. She’s rich, she’s famous, she’s on a hit show, and she was marrying a superstar athlete. What, is she worried she’s going to trip, fall on her face, scarring her for life, making him not want to marry her, then they fire her from that show, and the hospital bills cost ten dollars more than she has in the bank?
Here’s the manslation: I want to know if the GUY was nervous. Men are about as comfortable with weddings as deer are with hunting. We have a very keen sense that you all have been planning this day since WAY before you ever met our sorry asses. It’s a little unnerving when we feel like you’re eyeballing us to see if we’ll fit into the tux that you already mentally picked out for us when you were, like, eleven.


Wow. Yesterday in my Manslations for Hillary Duff, I mentioned my great love of famous persons going insane in public. And there’s Phil Spector. Wearing that muppet wig, having to sit there and listen to his friends — his FRIENDS — tell the court how he wants to shoot ALL women.
I think the manslation here is this: If you’re with a guy who says that all women deserve a bullet, he’s maybe not kidding. Unless you’re dating Oscar Wilde*, it might not just be a witty metaphor.
Incidentally, if you ARE dating Oscar Wilde, you might want to make sure you keep your lack of a penis on the down-low. Ix-nay on the agina-vay. Oh, and try not to bring up the fact that he’s long dead. He’ll probably just say something infuriatingly witty about how he’s more alive dead than he ever was while alive. And who needs that nonsense?
Have a great weekend everybody! See you on Monday!
And let’s hear some chatter out there — leave a comment, request manslations, whatever it is! Let me know you stopped by. I know you’re out there, people. I can hear you click.

среда, 8 июля 2020 г.

How should you respond to “I have been soooooo busy”?

We’ve all heard it, probably all said it. You’ve been trying to chase somebody down, and you get, “Wow, I am so sorry. I have been SOOOOOO busy!” Well, duh. What should you SAY, though? And is there a way to get him to stop being so busy? I’ve got some thoughts on that.
Hi Jeff,
You’ve helped me several times before; I read your page often and I’ve a quickie for you: What’s the best way to respond to the “I’ve been sooooo busy” line? I hear it ALL the time and yeah, I say it sometimes too. When I’m on the receiving end, sometimes I ignore it, sometimes I say,
 “yes, we’re all busy, I get it.” Because it’s basically a brush-off, is there anything I can say to make the guy want to rearrange his busy schedule or is it just better to not respond at all?
Thank ya!
Dear Amber,
Well, in order to know how to respond, you’ve got to know what’s being said to you, right? And it seems that you do. You said it yourself. It’s a brushoff. To be more specific:
HIM: I’ve been soooooo busy.
MANSLATION: You aren’t important enough to me to make time for you.
Are there exceptions? Well…I suppose if you’re dating the Secretary of Defense or something. But the overwhelming majority of the time, when someone says they’re so busy, it usually means that they just didn’t want to tell you, “I’ve been sitting around the house watching old Law & Orders that I had already seen, but I STILL didn’t call you.” But it’s just a nicer way of saying the same thing.
Not really, because the problem is rarely how busy he is. The problem is where you fit on his priority list. And if you’re down there below “World of Warcraft” and “study Klingon language tapes” (hey, I don’t know who you date) then what could you SAY to change that? Personally, I’ve never been in a situation where a.) I was “talked into” a relationship and b.) it ended well. Just not a great idea.
Well, you could say:
  • Oh really? Busy? Not me. I’ve just been sitting around making collages of your picture at this cool…oh, I guess you could call it an ‘altar’ that I’ve built. You should check it out. Or you could just look at the photos of it that I left in you mailbox. Oh and your hair looks really cute tonight. Where did you get that shirt?
  • If you’re going to blow me off with a BS “busy” excuse, the least you could do is to give me something specific. Tell me you were kidnapped by pirates, tell me you’ve been trapped in a beartrap in Montana, some damn thing.
  • Or, the real answer…nothing. Don’t bother. Brush him off right back. If he’s saying this, it’s almost exclusively because the real answer is (even) less flattering to you.
Good luck, Amber! And thanks for the question!
What do YOU say when a guy’s been “busy”?

пятница, 3 июля 2020 г.

The Mac is Bac(k) and Totally Married!

Hello all!
Well, Liz and I are back from the honeymoon, and boy was it WAY too short. Oh, you all know Liz, right? You know — my WIFE? (Still so weird and cool to say.) Some folks have requested some pictures. I’ll figure out a way to do that at some point, but here’s one quick one for now:

That’s me and my totally radiant and beautiful lady fair, standing with the Rev. And yes, I’m wearing jeans. (My little niece who wasn’t there asked about this several times.) It’s ok, they’re from Banana Republic. As is everything else I’m wearing, now that I think of it. Man, in this picture I’m pretty much a mannequin from there. That would be embarrassing, except that I have a head and their mannequins don’t. All in all, I think I win on that count.
Here’s another one of Liz and her dad waiting to walk out for the hitchin’:
Who married that beauty? That would be me.
The wedding was…well, it was eventful, let’s say. What I mean is, we got what we deserved for trying to have a “no drama wedding.” We only had about 15 people there, we had it Liz’s parent’s house, simple, simple, simple. Everything went unbelievably smoothly, all was perfect, everything was just the sweetest, most meaningful and awesome thing ever…
…right until one of our guests collapsed and was rushed to the cardiac intensive care unit at the hospital. During the middle of the ceremony. Seriously.
Don’t worry, don’t worry — he’s totally ok now. It was mostly related to the fact that he wasn’t fully acclimated to being about 7,000 feet above sea level. And who is? But, ah, holy crap was it ever scary for a day or so there. And what a great reminder that you need to do/say/act on whatever you want to, like, NOW.
And it just goes to show that there IS no such thing as a “no drama wedding.” It’s like unicorns and fat free fig newtons. Sounds possible, but it ain’t. You can make it as smooth as a baby’s hindquarters, but sooner or later something…er…exciting’s gonna happen.
But even given the CPR-sized bump in the road, our wedding was the best. Great people, great cake. We were married by an old childhood pal of Liz’s, Rev. Sarah Halverson, who was (and still is) hugely involved in attempting to defeat Prop 8 in California. Keep fighting the good fight, Rev!
And the honeymoon was so much fun. We stayed at a spa out in the middle of nowhere called “Ojo Caliente,” which I definitely recommend. But then we did one of the coolest things ever….
We spent one night in an “Earthship,” Which is a 100% self-sustaining house. By that I mean that it is 100% off the grid. No electricity but from solar panels. No water but what’s caught off the roof. No active heating OR cooling. And no compromises at all on ANY of it. Plenty of power, super warm even though it was 23 degrees outside. And in pretty much the most beautiful place on the planet, right outside of Taos, NM. We want to live in one of these things, stat.
Seriously, if you’re ever near Taos, look up our new pal, Jill at www.heliohouse.com and see if she’s got a night available for you to stay there. Reasonably priced, and totally cool place to stay. And Jill was just the best. She answered all our crazy earthship questions and then some!
Anyway, we’re back in Brooklyn, missing the desert like crazy, grateful for all our great family and friends who came to our wedding…AND as if that wasn’t enough– Liz is now not only my lady fair, but my 100% enwifened one. And I couldn’t be happier about the whole thing. The past couple of weeks have been the best of my life, and I just expect it to get better.
I missed you, my manslatees, devotees, and devout worshippers! I’ll be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled manslations!
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четверг, 2 июля 2020 г.

What do Men Think of Well Paid Women

Welcome back, ladies. Today we’ve got a variation on a theme that we’ve seen before, people. What happens when a woman does really, really well for herself, financially? Does this have an effect on men?
What do men really think of women who happen by accident of genetics or fear of poverty or whatever to be successful and well paid?
Dear Michele,
Interesting question, Michele, and it reminds me of the one about whether or not men are intimidated by strong women. But it adds the specific element of MONEY. Cash. Cold, hard, samollians. Clams. Er…greenbacks…oh…ok, I think I’m out.
Is a man affected by the fact that a woman is financially successful — more successful than he is, for example? The answer is:
Ok, let’s be a tiny bit more helpful than that, shall we, Jeff? Great.
First of all, he’s less likely to think about what YOU make, and more likely to think about the fact that maybe HE makes less. It’s the stuff about how it reflects upon him that you might come up against.
Look, not all men need to make more money than their woman. (Hell, if Liz wants to suddenly become a millionaire, I will be more than honored to help her spend it. I’ve had my eye on a scepter carved from a single gigantic ruby, and I just haven’t put together the scratch to grab it.) It does happen, though. It probably used to happen more than it does these days, but it’s still around. Why? What do men have at stake here?
  • WHAT AM I GOOD FOR? This is a big one for a lot of men. Lots of guys think that they are only as desirable as they are CAPABLE. Some guys feels like if you don’t NEED them, you’re not going to WANT them. This is why we love to be able to set up the surround sound, format the hard drive, change the oil in the car, or whatever other “manly” areas of understanding there are. With money, there can be a similar thing.
  • WHAT WILL THE GUYS SAY? Many, if not all, men are competitive in some way or another. With themselves, with their idiot friends, with whatever the standard is in their field. And if other people know that a man’s woman makes twice what he makes, he might get his share of jokes and jibes. Whether it’s true, false, outdated, or whatever, there IS a stereotype that the man is The Breadwinner. If the woman is making more, some people are going to see that not as a success for HER, but a failure for HIM. And they might let him know.
What do these two things have in common? INSECURITY.
If a man isn’t very secure in himself and/or if his circle of acquaintance can’t get over the 1950’s, one or both of these things might come into play. But what about a man who IS fairly secure in himself?
The real answer is this, Michele. If you are a very successful woman, you might bounce up against some unexamined preconceptions he’s got about himself, life, gender roles, dinner rolls, etc.
As we all know, men often still make more than women in the same jobs. Obviously, that’s changing, but just as obviously it’s still around. (P.S. I’m sorry about that. It’s not my fault. I’ve never been a boss, and was therefore never invited to be involved in the Dread Patriarchy. I know I should try to ascend into that and change it from the inside, but…well, I like to sleep in…)
The point is that even guys who would be totally cool with a woman out-succeeding him might NEVER HAVE DATED ONE. He might have never had the chance to examine all of the stereotypes he’s got built in there about the Breadwinner, and what it says about a man that makes less than a woman.
What do you do if you make a ton of cash, and are doing really, really well?
  • DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR IT: Look, you make what you make. He makes what he makes. You shouldn’t have to pretend to make less than him. That won’t help him, it won’t help you, and who has the energy? Not me. (Though to be fair I haven’t gone to the gym as much as I should lately.)
  • DON’T LORD IT OVER HIM, EITHER: Just as you don’t want to be playing down who you are and what you do, you don’t need to play UP that angle. It wouldn’t be very fun if he did that either. Powerplays in either direction rarely help a relationship. Unless your relationship is held during a hockey game (in which case, hey, slam him!)
  • WHY DO YOU NEED HIM AROUND? You don’t need his money. But you do need/want him around right? And if you do, treat him that way. Don’t go out of your way to tell him how LITTLE you need him. Whatever it is that you DO love/want/need him for, just don’t forget to let him see that.
  • COMPETE WITH HIM? I was going to say NOT to play up the competitive element in this, but some couples really get off on competition with each other. I’m not in one of those, and wouldn’t want to be. But some are and would. If you’re in a relationship that thrives on competition between the two of you, this might actually be a turn-on. Just know what works for YOU.
Good luck, Michele. I’d say just be who you are, and let him know why you want to be with him. No matter what you make vs. what he makes, that one always works with the right person.
What’s your experience, successful ladies? How do the boys treat’cha?
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четверг, 25 июня 2020 г.

Did She Scare Him Off?

Well, a reader named Ellen has kept herself off the market for a while. She finally broke down and went out with a guy, and he pulled a Fade on her. She’s wondering what she did wrong, if she scared him off.
I’m guessing she’s not quite as scary as she thinks she is, but let’s find out for sure.
hi…got a question for you…
I really don’t understand this..but maybe you can help since you`re a man.. I`m from Norway..:)
Ok, I am right now warming up my “man-to-Norwegian-woman” vocabulary. Gentlemen, start your umlauts…
Ì`m a single 33 year old mum, single in my 3rd year.. kept myself from men,since it doesnt seem like I`m so lucky with them..
Is it that way, or is it the other way around — you’re not so lucky with them because you keep yourself from them? Did I just blow your Scandinavian mind, Ellen? It’s ok, it happens.
I met a guy,that I knew who was,but didn’t really know..(on Facebook) but I live in a town where everybody knows everybody,so I knew who he is… I thought he looked like a nice guy,not the guys I usually met before I become mum..
It all sounds good, except that Ted Bundy looked like a nice guy as well. You can’t always judge a book by its nice cover. (Well, except for MY book, which you should all judge to be lovely by its nice cover. And then you should be purchasing it, like instantly if you ever hope to be happy with your existences. I mean it — it’s just that important. )
we chatted a little bit,then calls…he was really sweet and I was glad to met someone like him.. he is also a single dad,so had much in common.. We had good chemistry from the first meeting,which was in my place..( Never been a guy there,other the kids father) We talked and had a real good time..this happened for a week..But he didnt send me any texts the days we were apart,and I got little bit insecure,but he called me and said that it didnt mean that he didnt like me… so on sunday he came on a little hi-how are you-trip over to me,and kissed me and said he saw me tomorrow… I thought I should have sent him a good-night text,but didnt,since was coming next day.. I texted him the day after..and no answer,then I called..but he didnt pick up…
Hrm. Strange. If I understand this correctly, he did come over, but then AFTER that, he didn’t respond or pick up. Mm. Not a great sign, that. Let’s see what happened next.
I did the same thing today,and said in the text,that I deserved a little explanation..but nothing…what happened? Did I scare him off..?
Nah, that doesn’t really happen, Ellen. I’ll explain more in a sec.
I`m so sad,cause he is the first guy I liked in many years,and he made me think the feeling was mutal..we didnt have sex,but talked about it..He had also been single for 3 year,and was looking for something lasting.. but he also told me he had been a real player when he was younger.. and had been hurt by the ex,who he has kids with..
Right. Not always a great sign when the guy is listing for you all the reasons why he might not be such a great relationship-er.
he was so kind and good to me..told me,if it would come down to it,that he couldnn’t commit in a realationship, he`ll tell me so,and we would be friends..
Ah yes. The “can’t commit” excuse. That one…we sometimes say that one because we know you’ve read that we feel like that sometimes. As in, “It’s not YOU, it’s the whole COMMITMENT thing that’s the problem.” It’s a way to bail out without being the Bad Guy.
Is this the case,when you want to dump someone,but dont have the guts to do it face-face?
This might very well be that very case, yes.
or at least on a text on the phone? can someone be that cold? Didnt he want me,since I didnt seal the deal right a way?
Nah, I sincerely doubt that. You both talked about the sex as a possibility. No, I don’t think this is it.
Or didnt he want the same thing?
I think this is more likely the case. The two of you weren’t on the same wavelength, from what I’m reading. Doesn’t sound like there was an “event” that stopped this thing. He just wasn’t feeling it.
did he get scared since I`m serious,and sensitive when it comes to realationships,that maybe I was a little too keen?
I really don’t think so. Maybe he was sensing that you were into him, and he didn’t want to get in any deeper knowing that. But that doesn’t mean that there was something you could have done differently, or that you did something wrong.
a lot of questions runs through my mind now,cause I just dont understand…
Dear Ellen,
Well…you got dumped. That’s why this one really sucks. This isn’t great, no matter what. But here are a couple of things I see:
  • YOU DIDN’T BLOW IT: I’m not seeing anything in his behavior that says that some THING happened. Unless you left out the part where he stopped calling you right after you showed him your collection of severed heads, you did fine. (And if you did that, kudos for being so trusting, but ah…maybe take up a different hobby.)
  • THIS IS HOW IT GOES: Since you’ve kept yourself off the market for the most part, you may not know this, but this is how things go out there. You go out a few times because…why? Well, for the purpose of seeing if you’re feeling it, right? First couple of dates, you just might not know. That’s what they’re for.
  • DON’T GO NUTS: The last thing you want to do is to go down the rabbit hole of “What could I have done differently?” Don’t go down that rabbit hole. And don’t go down any real rabbit holes, either. There’s nothing interesting down there but rabbit poo and used fur. The only thing you could have done differently was go out with a different guy. If you think you can “scare a guy off,” I promise, you don’t have the kind of power you think you do.
  • DON’T LET THIS STOP YOU: Here’s the biggie. Keep getting out there, Ellen. And because you now know that this is just how it goes, maybe just alter your approach a little. Look at the first couple of dates as GATHERING INFO. You’re going in there not to get this man. You’re dating to find out WHAT you feel about this man. And to get a sense of what he feels about you. And if somebody backs off, you or him, well, that’s the information you learned.
Good luck, Ellen. I’m sorry it happened this way, but just remember — the vast majority of dates do not lead to relationships. So the more pressure you can take OFF of the date to be that One, the more fun you can have, and the better off you’ll be.
What say you, ladies? What happened here? Sound familiar at all? Hello?
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среда, 24 июня 2020 г.

Confused, Afraid of Commitment, or the Wrong Guy?

A reader named Rebecca just can’t quite figure it. She moved in with this guy, but he won’t commit to being her boyfriend. That’s right. They LIVE together, but he won’t call her his GF.  Oh, and she’s dated other men. Fine by him.
Just what in the holy mother eff is going on here? Well, let’s get acquainted with this situation. At that point, Manslations are go.
Hi Jeff,
I just recently came across your site, and thought this might be worth sending your way because I’m at my wits end. I started seeing this guy in February of 2007. I fell for him quickly. However, it seemed as if he wasn’t into making a commitment to me.
I’d never been on this end of the rope before, and even though the smart thing would have been to dump him, we continued to see each other. However, neither of us admitted it was a relationship. (We’re both in our mid to late 20’s, by the way.)
Yeah, not a great end of that rope, is it? When someone’s not into you, that end of the rope usually involves rope burn as you try to keep them from trotting off. Works like that with horses, I bet, too.
Both of our leases were up in August of that year, and we both wanted a nicer place- I suggested moving in together. After all, we were such good “friends”! (Yes, I’m throughly aware of how dumb of a suggestion this was.) He agreed, and we set up ground rules regarding sex that neither of us followed. We moved in together and became extremely domesticated.
Yes, as you seem to suggest, necessity of getting a nicer place is not recommended behavior, if you’re not sure if your partner is committed to you.
I’ve known folks who did that, and usually the one who was into the thing LESS didn’t end up any more committed than they were before. And the person who was into it MORE, well, they feel even lonelier.
Throughout this time we were technically “single.” He was the one that wanted it this way. I dated other people, never on a serious basis, and he dated no one else. I frequently got frustrated that he acted like my boyfriend but wouldn’t commit to being one, even though he claims he just acted like my good friend. I’ve been in “friends with benefits” situations before, and this clearly was not the case here.
Why do you say that it “clearly” wasn’t the case? As in, is it because it “felt” different to you? If that was the case for you, well, that’s not necessarily the case for him, right?
In November of 2007, we had yet another conversation about what the hell the deal was and he finally agreed that he was my boyfriend. (So romantic, right?) But the relationship from there was pretty great.
Well, after you dragged that admission out of him, how could it be less than pretty great?
In May of this year, we started talking about our living situation (whether to renew the lease, etc.) We had both talked about how we were interested in buying places rather than renting again. He suggested buying a place together, so I began to look into that and started the process.
Interesting step for him, actually. I mean, buying a place is something of a commitment, no? Hm. I wonder if he and his non-committal ass have thought this through?
He started getting distant sometime in July, when he began to throw himself into a new project at work.
And there he goes, thinking it through.
He was stressed all of the time. We argued a little more, but it hadn’t been going on for very long when all of sudden we had a conversation about our relationship and he decided he wanted to live on his own since he never had before, and break up. To me, it felt like he was displacing the stress of work onto our relationship.
Well, either that, or maybe you have it backwards, you know?
Skip ahead to September, and he moved out. It’s been a few months of hell since then, and it’s sort of a pseudo break-up. We’re back to square one- in a relationship but not defining it that way. I’m dating others, but he’s not. He claims he’s not bothered by this, but I don’t see how that’s possible. It throws
me through a loop because I believe the title of boyfriend/girlfriend, in this case, is important, as it’s indicative of what his intentions are.
Not to put too fine a point on this, but ah, another thing that is indicative of what his intentions are is, er…moving out.
I really love the guy and I know he loves me. He became a workaholic, though I believe he’s trying to rectify that. His stance now is that he wants to concentrate on his work and on himself, and doesn’t have enough to give to be a good boyfriend.
Mmmkay. Whenever a guy tells you he’s not able to be a “good boyfriend,” well, take that to the bank, Rebecca.
There is definitely progress being made, but it’s slow. He’s always moved quite slowly in this relationship, but, aside from the huge step backwards of breaking up, there always seems to be progress.
But that’s a pretty big step backwards, though, you have to admit.
After over 1 1/2 years of this, I’ve examined it into the ground, and my take is that he’s quite bottled up in all aspects of his life, so it’s hard to get straight answers out of him. He says one thing and does another.
Hm. Says one thing, does another. Hm. Seems like I’ve talked about that before on here someplace. Hm. Oh, this is going to drive me nuts…Oh yeah, that’s right — ignore what he SAYS.
His actions, most of the time, are very boyfriend-like. However, he won’t commit to being my boyfriend, even though that’s what I want. My question is, do you think he’s confused by all the stress in his life and should I wait around for him to sort his stuff out, or am I missing a bigger picture and does he really just not want to be in a relationship with me?
Thanks for your input!
Dear Rebecca,
Well, I regret to inform you that this guy seems to be trying to be at least somewhat clear with you. You refer to his actions being boyfriend-like. But from what I’m hearing, his actions are:
  • Moving in, but not minding when you saw other people. While he was living there.
  • Finally, reluctantly, admitting that you were a couple.
  • Suggesting buying a place together, but then becoming immersed in work to the point where he became distant.
  • Breaking it off, moving out.
Now, I know I’m leaving out some of the times when he was all nice and boyfriendy. Of course I am. If those things were all that he did, well, you wouldn’t have needed ME to tell you what was going on. You’d just move on, right?
Listen, I’m not sure what you see as “boyfriend” behavior, but let me ask you this. Looking at that list above, do you want your man, your boyfriend, your live-in person to be someone who has those things on his resume with you?
And I’m not talking about, like, a long time ago. His most current action was to move out. That’s not a good sign, Rebecca.
Well, there’s plenty of reason for pessimism, but I can’t speak 100% definitively since you know more of the situation than I do. So here’s what I’d suggest, if you really want to give this thing a shot. And let me just tell you, I’m not wild about even giving him THIS chance, given how he’s been treating this relationship:
One last talk. One question. I’d recommend saying to him, “Listen, I don’t like chasing you. But I’m stuck on the idea that this is possible. And I need your help. If you really want to let me go, please tell me that, right now. I know it will hurt, but not as bad as chasing you with no chance of succeeding. If you are letting me go, please tell me in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that you are.
Now, I know I seem to be suggesting that you dare him to dump you once and for all.
I am.
The reason is that either he will or he won’t. It’s this middle ground that you seem to be in that’s the problem. I’d suggest that you need to hear him being very, very clear with you.
And then? Take him at his word. If he wants you to let him go, LET HIM. It’s all there is to do.  You do NOT want to be one of those women who argues with a man who tells her he’s not a good boyfriend. In that situation, HE’S CORRECT.
What do you see here, ladies? Afraid of commitment? Trying to break up?
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