вторник, 23 июля 2019 г.

Ignoring The Rules

I’ve previously mentioned the rules to dating are meant to bebent. When you meet a person you form a real connection with, often the rules aren’t bent, but broken regardless of the consequences. It’s never a one sided situation, either both people are breaking and bending the rules, or everything is following in their structured manner. I introduced Rule Breaker when I discussed the benefits of being persistent, but that’s not how she earned that nickname, our first date sealed the deal.

“Breaking the rules” means so many different things. First it’s the stereotypical male/female roles that we’re supposed to play while dating. While, in this situation, most of these were rules were maintained, she did break some of them. For instance, she was the one who asked for my number, how many women do this? The second type of rules that were broken are the things you’re supposed to do while dating someone, things to say, not to say, topics that should be addressed on the first date, etc. It was her upfront, honest personality that made me comfortable, as I’m an honest, upfront person. This set of rule breaks I had learned from talking to her on the phone.

Like everything with her, the date did start awkwardly. I arrived early at the negotiated date location, Madame X. I’ve always wanted to use this bar as a date location, just to see how it would work. She was also in the area, so the opportunity had finally arrived. I came to the date with a limited amount of knowledge about her physical appearance. She only had head shots in her profile, and I was in a poorly lit area. It was going to be hard to figure out who’s who. I stood near the entrance and waited, until someone who seemed like it was her was going to walk into the bar or was waiting for someone. A woman did slow down and began to look around. I called my dates name out to that woman, figuring it was her.

I was wrong. “No, I’m her!” A voice I had recognized from my phone conversations said behind me. Obviously it was my date, and the beginning of another awkward, but humorous line of events to follow. Throughout the date, I could not stop laughing and smiling, so much that my checks hurt. It wasn’t any one thing in particular, just the way we talked and meshed seemed to work very well with one another. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that hard on a date. Ever.

Rule Breaker is an attractive woman, who laid it all out there. I didn’t feel as if I was navigating thru that mental minefield women often put guys thru. She has very varied tastes, like myself, fun, eccentric, speaks off the cuff, and most importantly honest. What surprised me was how attracted I were to those qualities she had. I found her type of honesty sexy, the fact she spoke her mind and didn’t hind behind an excuse. If we disagreed she would give me shit for it, but playfully, and it made me laugh. Another attractive trait she had was her ability to relate to what I was saying, without understanding exactly what I meant. I’m a geek, and made a few geek jokes – one was calculating the differences in ages between me and my siblings. It took me a moment to remember the age differences because at any given time there’s an additional year difference. I joked it was like computer code, and made a code joke (“if before the month of April but not after the month of June relative to the suns positions based on the hypotenuse of y then minus….”) She’s not a coder at all, but understood he joke, and participated! She later said, “I don’t get it, but I get it!” The same thing occurred with a sports references I made. While I’m very attracted to women who love sports, she’s not a sports fan, but makes sincere and honest attempts to get the reference. That blew me away.
As I got to know her better throughout the evening, I realized that Rule Breaker was the type of woman I’ve sought for, but have passed up in the past. Not because I wasn’t attracted to them, but because I felt so comfortable with them they would become dear friends of mine. She reminded me of a few friends, all whom I wanted to hook up with, and I realized I wasn’t going to make the same mistake with her that I have with other women. I wanted to see her naked at some point, and had to be sure I made that fact known. As that thought went through my head, I was reminded of something Thomas and Laurie taught me, introducing some sexual tension.

To introduce some form of sexual tension with a woman, you must do it with touch. This should be subtle, say by touching her leg or arm. Not a poke, but more like laying your hand on her leg while making a point. I did this repetitively throughout the evening, all naturally and not frequent enough that it got annoying. She responded a few times with her own touches on my leg or hands, which made it feel as if I was on the right track. It was clear that the signals were sent, we both like each other!

After a great date, two drinks, it was time to go home. I walked with her to a train where we separated and went our separate ways. She went uptown, I went downtown. We hugged and parted, and tentatively set up a date for the next week. Moments later I was kicking myself a bit, I wanted to kiss her. I was going to have to make sure that happened on the second date, which meant calling her soon.

четверг, 18 июля 2019 г.

Improv Dating Tips

Dating, for men who are not handsome or rich, is the process by which a man slowly tricks a woman into sleeping with him. Blame evolutionary biology. Rich men who can provide lives of safety and comfort. Every molecule in a woman’s body has evolved to resist the poor, average-looking guy. As a result, the average guy must resort to trickery so that he can remain in a woman’s life long enough to prove that he has value. (The average guy often proves to have more value because a man who has been rejected repeatedly is more grounded than someone who seldom hears the word no. At least, this is what I learned from every 1980s movie that resolved its central conflict with a ski race or a regatta.)

There are many tricks a man can use to gain a woman’s interest and some of the best come from the world of improv. I know from experience. I have performed improvisational comedy since 2006, having studied at the Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles. Last year I noticed I was, unconsciously at first, employing many of the lessons learned from improv while on dates. I should not have been surprised. A good improv scene contains many of the same virtues as a good date – agreement, spontaneity and fun.

1. Yes-and
This is the first rule of improv. (OK, there are no rules of improv – they can all be broken – but there are choices that produce, in basketball terms, high-percentage shots. Consider each rule a high-percentage shot.) Yes-and means that you take whatever the other person says, agree with it, and add a piece of information. It is a great way to keep scenes and conversations moving, and it inevitably leads somewhere unexpected. That does not mean you should agree with everything your date says. Just remember that if you disagree, you are going to have to reset the conversation and bring it somewhere fun again. That takes effort. You can do it, but wouldn’t it have been easier to keep the original conversation ball rolling?
2. Remember the and
The and is the important part of yes-and. It is your imprint on the conversation. If you just keep saying yes, you’re going to bore her. If you add interesting ands, she will see that you have your own point of view, and since you just agreed with her, your point of view in some way corresponds with hers. The conversation flatters her. (I know Mystery Method says you should tease or “neg” women. There is a time for that. But you need to back off when you are building trust. The hard part — meeting her — is over.) The great thing about and is that you can use it to make yourself look strong, smart or altruistic. Remember, you are trying to trick her into thinking you have value until she realizes that you do, like when Beth finally chooses Lane at the end of “Better off Dead.”
3. Avoid questions
It’s a date. You have to ask questions, right? Sure. But not too many. Every time you ask a question you create a personal void in the conversation. A man who asks too many questions does not create a solid impression of himself. His date does not know what he is about. If he cannot communicate on the first date – when people are eager to please – what will he be like on date 15? Ask only the most essential questions. Otherwise, offer information about yourself and leave opportunities for her to do the same. Think of it this way. A woman who answers repeated questions is doing all of the heavy lifting, just like an improv actor in a scene is doing all of the thinking. Do you think that is fun for her? Or do you think she would have more fun laughing at your stories?

4. Focus on the moment
In improv, it is a poor choice to talk about characters who are not onstage. The higher-percentage shot is to explore your relationship with your scene partner. It yields more gratifying results. The same holds true on a date. Rather than talking about other dates you have been on, or other women whom you have dated, or people whom she has not met, focus on what makes the date that you are on unique. Because it’s a date, something weird is bound to happen. In improv we call that weird thing “the game of the scene.” On a date, that weird thing becomes your first inside joke. It’s your go-to when the conversation drags and possibly the joke yourbest man will tell at the reception if you get married. You will recognize the game of your date if you are focused on the present moment.

5. Be specific
The biggest laughs in improv stories often come from the details. The first scene partner says, “Hi, officer, was I speeding?” The second scene partner says, “Yeah, you were doing 85.” The first scene partner says, “I had no idea I was going that fast.” Then the second scene partner says, “That’s because you’re driving a horse and buggy.” The punch line is in the detail – the horse and buggy. (I know that example is not funny. There are few things less hilarious than describing an improv scene. My apologies.) My point is, provide details. It is how she will remember you, especially when she talks to her girlfriends. And yes, you want her talking about you to her girlfriends. It means she is thinking about you. So give her details. They’re hilarious and endearing. Handsome, rich regatta-losers, like Teddy from “One Crazy Summer,” are neither.

среда, 26 июня 2019 г.

Three Reasons All Guys Should Go Down

If my inbox is any indication, men are, when it comes to oral sex, letting down the side.  Apparently, far too many men think oral is a one-way street.  So, I'm going to do my best to correct this: ladies with gun-shy men, grab them, sit them down, and make them read the following reasons:

Any Complaints You Have, She Has, and She Does It Anyway

One complaint about going down on a lady that I've never gotten is "I don't like the taste."

You don't like the taste?  Are you kidding me?  What do you think yours tastes like, rainbow sherbet?  Do you even bother to scrub it before you ask her to put it in her mouth?

Another problem some have are the power dynamics, which I frankly am not qualified for (see a psychologist), but frankly, a little head is not going to kill you. 
Grow up.

It Is The Easiest and Best Foreplay You Will Ever Perform

Seriously, oral sex is probably the simplest, least complicated thing you will ever do when it comes to sex in your entire life short of whacking it. 
Granted, foreplay in general is fairly easy (provided you listen to your partner), but this is a walk in the park.  Five, ten minutes and you're good to go.

And it's not like it's complicated: the nice thing about groins is that pretty much anything you do down there that doesn't involve teeth will feel good. 
True, there are techniques women appreciate (what guys do in porn?  Don't do that), but overall, it's a fairly simple thing.

Finally, it really does make sex easier.  Many women are incredibly aroused by it, which means anything else you want to do is about 1000% easier to pull off.

It's One Of the Key Foundations of a Relationship

Well, not oral per se, but rather what it implies: common courtesy.

Being selfish in a relationship is going to cause problems sooner rather than later, whether it's blowing off a meeting with her sister or demanding she do things that you refuse to in bed.  A lack of courtesy can screw up even a casual relationship: why would a woman keep hooking up with you if you refuse to give her what she wants or needs sexually?

So, develop some common courtesy: it'll pay off, and not just in bed.

OK, especially in bed, but there are also side benefits.

четверг, 20 июня 2019 г.

A Rise In Temperature Doesn’t Mean a Drop In Class

The temperature in New York has risen to 80 and the summer like conditions means everyone moves from their winter outfits to spring and summer. When the temperature rises, it seems as if many women raid their closets of their sexiest club gear and wear it… during morning rush hour! There’s nothing wrong with a woman showing off her figure in the warm weather. There is something wrong when she gets offended when I look!

If you want men to take you seriously, especially during the day, you may want to reconsider your outfits. Being sexy doesn’t mean showing it all off. Knee high boots, stockings, a low cut shirt and a mini-skirt yell’s “take me home, NOW!” If that’s what you want, stop reading and continue to strut your stuff. If you want us to respect you, don’t look like a slut.

Understand, many men know women may wear an outfit because she wants attention. If you have a great figure, there’s nothing wrong with flaunting it. The problem is, you’ll get the attention from every straight man you’ll pass. Don’t be offended if guys ogle you because you’re showing off all of your cleavage during the afternoon rush hour. Men aren’t blind.

I’m not suggesting women should wear potato sacks over their body during the day. I’m suggesting, your options shouldn’t be a potato sack or thongs.

https://www.bloglovin.com/@jimplocker/complexities-interracial-dating-backlash The Complexities of Interracial Dating – The Backlash From Your Own
https://juliesmith.dreamwidth.org/446.html Dont Waste A Womans Time

вторник, 18 июня 2019 г.

The Main Ingredient Of A Nearly Perfect Relationship

Walking, writing this column on the right side of my brain … while the cold, damp morning air and the poison in my cigarette fills my lungs.

I could start by talking about the little midget girl I’ve seen running around, dressed in a monkey suit and carrying a shovel. The parties I’ve been to, the trips I’ve taken and the trips I’ve been on. I could write about the women I’ve had sex with, the women I’ve almost fucked, the women that fucked me (big time) and the women I didn’t … yet that will not cure me of the creative erection I’m sporting this beautiful morning.

I can feed your ego by lying to you in the most beautiful, subtle ways. I can promise you a cure for all your ailments, the woman of your dreams, money, fame and power. That will make you love this column … but this strikes me like more of a Jerry Springer sort of website rather than a Dr. Phil
I’m very arrogant, and you should be too … but make sure you have something to be arrogant about. There’s nothing worse than an idiot with an attitude problem. I know there are not many guys that are more brosome than I am; unfortunately we are all on a scale. There’s always going to be a guy with a bigger cock than mine, a more attractive personality, a better job and so on … and my girl, or your girl might find him. Be aware of it, try to better yourself but don’t focus on it … enjoy the journey even if it starts in the morning and it dies in the afternoon.

Allow yourself to fall in love, relinquish control … lay your heart on the ground and see if she’s going to crush it with her beautiful, tiny foot. Maybe she will, maybe she won’t … maybe she won’t right now, maybe she will later. Neither of us can predict the future and trying to do so will probably fuck you up. Loving and being loved is the closest I’ve been to heaven, and the closest I’ve been to hell. I can crash and burn with the best of them … and so can you. Having your heart stepped on sucks, but I know about a million songs that will sound a million times better when that happens. But if you choose to allow yourself to love her, love the hell out of her!

It feels like I’ve fucked about a million times, but I can count on one hand the times I’ve truly lost myself in fuck. Bros, if you do decide to fuck her … fuck her brains out! Have fire running through your veins, honey dripping off the tip of your tongue, use your brain not just your cock. Paint beautiful pictures on her body with your fingers, have a touch light as a feather and use your tongue as a whip … don’t be afraid to get a little physical. In my experience, even the strongest women like to be dominated. There will be times when she wants you to be an animal, and times when she will enjoy something deeper and more meaningful. You be the judge of that … make sure you understand what you see and know that there is a big difference between hearing and listening.

This is the first of what I hope will be a weekly column, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the journey.

https://www.mahara.at/user/alkilfox/why-do-unqualified-people-insist-on-giving-marriage-advice-in-maryland Why Do Unqualified People Insist On Giving Marriage Advice in Maryland?
http://www.icollect.edu.my/view/view.php?id=13417  Someone Please Call Maryalnd 911...And Then My Ex!
https://elearning.alp.dillingen.de/mahara/view/view.php?id=661 "Fake It 'Til You Make It": Why It Works For Maryland Dating

Should You Let Maryland Online Dating Sites Do the Work for You?

In 2016, Time Magazine declared “YOU” its annual “Person of the Year.” Since then, it has really become all about “ME.” We want things our way. Our favorite Web sites remember our info. We can customize anything and everything. And every company, from iTunes to Netflix to Amazon, will recommend the products they think we’ll like.
Online dating sites are in on the trend, too. We no longer have to know what we’re looking for … they’ll tell us. You think it’s creepy when iTunes knows exactly what album you’ll love? Well how creepy is it when a Web site knows what guy you’ll love?

Match.com asks you questions about your interests and what you are looking for in a mate, and then offers recommendations based on that. If you’re not satisfied with your matches, you can simply browse for people whom you might be interested in, even if you aren’t a perfect “match.” Loveawake.com takes it a step further by having you take an intense personality test – and then shows you your perfect match based on your personality. The Match questionnaire is more about daily interests and activities, while Loveawake focuses on the big picture stuff. They want to know who you are … so then they can tell you who you want.

eHarmony is so committed to customer service and doing things for you that they actually … do things for you. Through “guided communication” (which is optional but they strongly recommend it), users don’t e-mail potential love interests directly. They request to begin communication. Then eHarmony will start the conversation. I can’t shoot off a message that says, “Hey Jeffrey, noticed you like astrology … me too.” I have to answer eHarmony’s question. “Well, Jeffrey, if my house was burning down, here are the five things I’d save…” And then he has to respond – not with a response to my question, but with an answer to an entirely different question… “I do believe in life after death, Rachel, and here’s why…”

Sure, it’s nice to discuss the “big” stuff, but it seems a little ridiculous to have to let the company guide the conversation for five rounds before you can finally just say, “So what was your major in college?” or “Hey, want to get a drink?” (This might be why eHarmony is less good for looking for booty calls than other dating sites.) Yes, I’m looking for love online, but can’t I do some of the work myself?

New site Pickv.com is all about doing the work for you, simply based on what you like. This site connects you with people based on movies, music, books, TV shows, and food. Seeking out people who like the same things as you do seems inherently narcissistic, like the old SNL skit “Me Harmony” showed. Everyone was matched up with themselves in drag. “At Me Harmony, we guarantee someone who is exactly like you … with different sexual organs.”

The obvious problem with this is that just because someone loves noodle bars as much as you do doesn’t mean you’ll have anything else in common. And we all know that sometimes opposites attract. It also makes first date conversations awkward. Do we have to talk about noodle bars? Do we have to go to a noodle bar?

While it’s flattering that a dating site knows so much about you that they can tell you exactly which guys you want to date, there comes a point when there’s a thrill in discovering a little quirk or bit of chemistry on your own. Sure, you know he likes dogs, but when you realize on your first date that you both have a secret desire to raise a gaggle of pugs, that’s exciting. If the dating site has already told you this, you might wonder if he actually is into you … or if he’s just more turned on by how much you have in common.
While it’s nice to have that kind of commitment from a dating site, we have to wonder if it’s really necessary. It’s like the difference between being set up on a blind date or having your pushy mother come along on the blind date and interrupt every few minutes to say, “Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Tell her about your greatest accomplishment!” Matchmaking is great … but meddling might be going too far.

четверг, 13 июня 2019 г.

How to Take a Grenade

It’s dirty work but somebody’s gotta do it. Hell, even women do it. You get stuck talking to the unattractive friend you wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole while your buddy is grinding up on the hot friend who won “most flexible” on her cheerleading squad.
When your buddy meets a chick he’s into at a party, all he really wants you to do is distract her friend long enough for him to seal the deal.  Easy enough, right? Not so much. She clearly doesn’t want to be there. The fact that her friend has been taken away from her is already starting to piss her off and get her granny panties in a bunch.  She’s ready to explode at any moment and bail to go find her friend. Then, BAM! Both chicks disburse out of plain sight and your friend is shit out of luck. Game over. You failed. These women are known as “grenades”, as brilliantly put by Mike AKA “The Situation” of the reality show, Jersey Shore.
In a perfect world, all the chicks at the bar would look like Kim Kardashian and there would be a hot girl for you and each of the guys you rolled up with. Keep dreaming.

What do you do?

Think quick grasshopper. What do you do? You’re talking to a girl who’s wound so tight, she looks like she’s closer to exploding with every tick of her Gucci watch…BOOM! Grenades are complicated. You can’t just dis the “grenade” and talk to another girl or it’ll be about T-20 seconds before she dives in like a hawk to swoop her friend out of your buddies grasp. When a “grenade” is thrown into the mix, you need to disarm, not dismantle, her with extreme care and caution before she throws some serious salt on his game. You need to act fast and you need to know what to do.

Even I’ve been the grenade

Let’s take a peek into a women’s perspective for a sec. When a friend of mine is talking to a new guy she meets at a bar, I’m more likely to leave the two of them alone if the wingman is entertaining− or at least not obnoxious and annoying for starters. The guy doesn’t have to be as hot as Brad Pitt. But, he’s gotta at least be able to hold a conversation and keep my attention. Otherwise, his words start to blur like a dull math lecture and I’m ‘bout to dismiss class freaks. I’m not gonna waste my time and energy talking to an idiot. I’d rather hang with my friend. Actually, I’d rather leave. So, yes, even I’ve been the “grenade.” Your duty as wingman, becomes to strategically handle the “grenade” so she doesn’t blow the chances for your buddy and his target. C’mon, take one for the team−because sooner or later, a player will have to do it for you. Trust me, it’ll happen. Or, he’ll at least buy you a couple drinks for your loyal efforts.

How to diffuse the “grenade”

Let me take you into the mindset of a “grenade” so you can learn how to diffuse her. There’s a “grenade” in most packs of girls. It’s usually the one girl who’s not as attractive as others in the pack or she’s hot but she just really isn’t feeling it and doesn’t wanna be there. She’s a bit jealous that her friends are getting the attention. She doesn’t want to be stuck talking to the bartender/wanna-be actor or staring at her Blackberry in the corner. She’s protective over her friends (most girls are) and she doesn’t want them hooking up with assholes because trust me, she’ll have to hear them whine about it later-sometimes for weeks! She’s not having fun and wants to go home. And she’s not going to leave without her friends. If you wanna stall her and get a HUGE return favor from your buddy, here’s your plan.
Ask her questions-not stupid ones. She’ll love the attention. Make her feel important. Try something casual like “How do you and your friend know each other?”  or “How is your night going?” Girls love to talk about themselves. But grenades don’t want to be interviewed. Stay away from questions that’ll require an elevator pitch such as “What do you do for work?” or “What are your top 10 favorite movies?” Barf. One time, a guy was so annoying, he asked what my favorite color was and I said, “Does it matter?” and walked away. Simple as that. Don’t ask stupid questions.
Try holding a conversation about what she wants to talk about. Think about it this way. She might be suspicious about why you’re talking to her in the first place. Women love to play detective. She’s thinking you either wanna get in her pants, you’re drunk and entertaining yourself, or you’re distracting her because you have to while her friend talks to your buddy. None of these options will work that well. You’ll need to act like you enjoy her conversation and genuinely care about her feelings. Yes, I said feelings. And act. So quit complaining. Hold her attention and keep her engaged in conversation before she gets frustrated with the situation and excuses herself to find her friend.
For example, if she responds that she knows her friend from school, cut her some slack and reveal a little info about yourself and what school you went to. If she responds that she’s not having a good time, she’ll probably be happy to tell you why−because that’s what’s on her mind. She’ll love that she has someone to confide in. A grenade doesn’t want to have to think too much, be “on” or put on a show. You get the jist.
Treat her like one of the guys. Hang out with her. Be real with her. If she can tell you’re not interested, she’ll be more likely to stay chill if you just hang with her rather than trying to pretend to be interested when you’re obviously not. If you both know you’re not attracted to each other, just have a good time. Have a few laughs. No harm, no foul.
Cater to her. She wants to go home. She’s tired. She either isn’t drinking or she’s drank too much. Her throat hurts from the smoke at the bar. There’s no one there she’s interested in talking to and her friends are busy. It’s up to you to meet her needs or she’ll bail. Think of a crying baby. Its either hungry or it wants to shit or sleep. You get the picture. If she says her feet hurt, find her a couch or bar stool to chill on. If she doesn’t want to drink, bring her water, fast.
Reassure her that your friend is a good guy. Chances are she’s worried about her friend. Most women tend to look out for each other. Guys, on the other hand tend to fend for themselves and let their friends run off and cab home alone assuming they are having a better time if they disappear. (Wink wink.) But, if you act like a good guy, she’ll be more likely to think that your friend is a good guy too that will treat her friend well. And score, he’s in.
If all else fails, there’s always plan B. Beer goggles. A seriously underrated tool. If you decide to drink a bit more, you may be able to better handle the wrath of the grenade and distract this downer till the game’s over or you may even wanna hook up with her and be charming enough to win her heart.

I never said there wasn’t a plan C. These things get tricky. Want a panic button?  If this “grenade” is about to explode or she’s harder to manage than Carrot Top’s hair, here’s the plan.  You politely excuse yourself, go tell your friend that he’s going to need to get the other chick’s phone number fast and make it happen another night before this “grenade” explodes.