вторник, 29 октября 2019 г.

What If I Make the Wrong Decision?

What if I make a wrong decision, seems to be a universal question that we all have asked ourselves from time to time. This question often comes up when we have a tough decision to make and either decision we make has consequences which we perceive to be somewhat balanced, however we feel that there is truly a right decision and a wrong decision and we fear choosing the wrong decision. Why do we have this fear of making a wrong decision? Simple really, if we make what we perceive to be a bad decision, then we own that decision, it’s our responsibility, we may have to admit that we made a mistake, we may feel that our reputation will be tarnished, etc. So instead of making a bad or wrong decision we play mental tennis with our decisions, bouncing back and forth on which decision is the best one to make. This type of stalling usually causes a great deal of stress, which has an impact on our mental and physical health and may even cause more angst in our life because delaying some decisions can create bigger issues.

The key to making decisions is to make one. Make your decision based on gathered facts and projected outcome and most of all based on what your true inner voice tells you. You know your gut feeling, your intuition. The key is to be able to discern gut feeling from ego. Our ego often tells us to go against what we intuitively know is right. When making a decision always go with your gut feelings and know that even if your decision at first turns out to be the wrong one, trust in the Universe that there are no accidents and that there is a purpose for the decision which you chose to make.

The bottom line is, if you listen to your inner voice and you trust in yourself, then you know that you can’t make a wrong decision. Your decision will always be right, even if at first it does not seem to be.

References: Monterrey Backpage

пятница, 25 октября 2019 г.

Transforming Boy Chasing Into Boy Tasting

Wondering why you keep landing the slobbering idiots when other women seem to have no trouble at all in attracting their perfect types? Stay with me.
2am was rushing into view as Alana grabbed my elbow and slurred into my shoulder that it was time to go home. As we stepped over bottles and around mumbling drunks, I saw a beautiful blonde undergoing what I like to call the “blind man treatment.” You know, when some drunken dude acts like he’s blind and uses his hands to figure out what you look like? Alana noticed them and giggled into my upper arm. A melodic “he, he, he.” I felt inspired to do something for this stranger who’d been eyeing me all night.
I grabbed a half-empty bottle of champagne and as we passed the melodic duo, I pressed the bottle into the blonde’s hand. “You’ll need this if you plan on doing anything with Slobbery Rob here. Next time don’t just stare at me. Say hello.” I said as I ferried my vodka princess out to our waiting taxi.
How is it that a beautiful woman, perfectly dressed and seemingly with all the attributes of success strike out? A few reasons:
1.       She clumped up all night with her girlfriends. Sure, it’s great to hang out with your friends at a party. Just understand that there’s nothing more intimidating to a guy than a group of females. Say hello to the people at a party you know, but make it a priority to bump into some new faces before you settle into a groove. Avoid your male friends. Friends do stupid things when they’ve been drinking and you’re here for new boy. Not the one who is an easy booty text away.
2.       She waited. Don’t wait! The best time to talk to that great-looking gent across the room is now. To paraphrase a great bit of advice given to incoming college freshman, “say hello to as many people as you can while the situation is still fresh for everybody.” Get a fire under your cute butt and say hi to some people. If you’ve already acknowledged him early in the evening, it’ll be very easy for your new boy to come over and say hello (I’d arrived with Alana and was leaving the party with her, but there was no way the blonde could have known about all the great single guys I know! She missed out!).
3.       She drank too much, too soon. For those of you who don’t drink, this doesn’t apply as much. For those who do: leave off the wild juice until you’ve made the rounds and said hello to some new faces. Get drunk early and you wreck your chances at finding a great guy. Even worse, you raise your chances of doing something you’ll regret with Slobbery Rob at the end of the night.

If you make it a habit to maintain an attitude of friendliness and approachability, you’ll see your luck increase no matter where you are. That said, there’s really no such thing as luck. Do the following:

§  Make a point to reach out to new guys even if they don’t immediately turn you on.
§  Forget about your loneliness and what your friends think of you in the spirit of enjoying yourself.
§  Cut yourself some slack because there are a lot of people in the world you think are attractive who are simply not worth your time. Don’t be bothered if he doesn’t fancy you. He loses and you waste less time!

You’ll have a better time at parties and discover more great guys at your breakfast table instead of on the cover of your favorite magazine.
https://www.vingle.net/posts/2687971 How To Do a First Date Right Without Waits or Word Vomit

Momentum: Keep It Moving!

Truth time! If you are letting days and weeks go by between your contact and dates with each other… you are seriously at risk of hitting the “fizzle zone.”
Dates 1-3 are crucial for hitting a stride of 2+ times per week of contact and at least one date per week. If you let much more time slide in without a REALLY good excuse… think trip to remote exotic island with no internet or phone connection rather than big launch at work… the person in the other half of this equation is likely to move on or lose their shine for you.
I know that we all get busy and it’s easy to excuse why it took you 2 weeks to reply, but come on, we all know that when you’re interested… you find a way to connect. If you are trying to date someone who knows their worth and knows they are in high demand, you’ll likely never recover from a 2 week lag.
So keep the momentum going! How? Well… try this on for size…
1.       Gauge interest. Look at how long it takes the other person to respond and keep your pace accordingly. You really don’t want to be the guy or girl who becomes a “stalker.”
2.       This point is highly debated, but I’m all for short-cutting the email/textversations at the beginning of the relationship. Either pick up the phone or propose a face to face within two weeks of “meeting.” You just can’t get to know someone the way you need to thru email and text.
3.       Keep your missives to your time in person. Long emails with lots of information, with someone you don’t know, is a recipe for disaster. What you reveal in writing can ALWAYS find its way into the hands of someone untrustworthy. Don’t do it.
4.       If you make a date, keep it. I don’t know about you, but if someone flakes on me in the early stages… I take it as a precursor for how they will be long-term. Again — REALLY good excuses are acceptable here as long as you are properly apologetic.
5.       Long distance relationships can be a bit more tricky. If you’re facing one of these momentum challenges, check out this post for more tips and tricks at keeping it alive.

Courting someone is like a dance. If you get out of synch, it can be really hard to get back into step with each other. So, keep it moving!

Is Dating Easier for Single Dads than Single Moms?

Is dating easier for single dads than single moms? A lot of folks in the blogosphere seem to think so.
Chrissy at Glamour’s Storked! laments the marketability of a single dad who appeared on ABC’s Bachelorette. Seems he got a ton of fan mail that Chrissy as a single mom doesn’t get. Her readers jumped right on the band wagon, saying single moms have it tougher than single dads.
Then there’s Matt Logelin, single after his wife tragically passed away with the birth of their child. He wrote that society has mythologized the good single father, and women daily send him emails saying they’d love to be the woman in his life. He posits that a woman in his shoes wouldn’t get the same attention.
Call me the lone dissenter, but dating is NOT easier for single dads than single moms. That’s been my experience, at least, and I’ve been at this game for eight years running.
Now before you break out Occam’s razor and question whether I’m date-able, know that I’ve had post-divorce dating success – a few serious relationships and tons of short term flings. Women tend to like me.
But finding someone to enter my family for the long haul has been a challenge.
I’m guessing Chrissy’s Bachelorette got a ton of fan mail because of the nature of that show. It attracts female viewers who would love a man of their own. Chrissy’s blog caters to moms.
Matt blogs that there are a lot of women who would love to adopt his built-in family. With all due respect to his departed wife, perhaps his being a widower is a factor. Any woman who joins his family will be the woman in his family’s life. For me as a divorced man with half-time custody, any woman joining my family will certainly be the woman in my house, but will take second fiddle to the biological mom when it comes to the kids. Most women want no part of that. (Yes, I realize there are exceptions. But those women haven’t tended to come my way.)
Besides fantasizing Matt as the perfect husband and father, some women might fantasize themselves in the role of nurturing mother and wife. They simply can’t do that with me and my kids. One woman I met on match.com said she wouldn’t date me because if she entered my life, she wouldn’t have a role. The kids already have a mom. I already take care of the family and home. What’s left for her to do?
Plenty more women have told me flat out they won’t date me seriously because they don’t want a built-in family, but then say they’d love to be my booty call friend with benefits.
I’m not saying single dads have it tougher than single moms. I’m saying it’s probably about the same. Dating as a single parent is complicated. Period.
(For the record, my ex-wife is dating someone right now. She’s a single mom. Sure, she has half-time custody and therefore time to date. But so do I. The issue isn’t time, it’s finding someone who accepts our co-parenting two-home situation.)
Which brings me to a bigger point. As a single dad deeply involved in my kids’ lives – caring for them, cooking, cleaning, volunteering in schools, etc. – I run into gender stereotyped discrimination all the time. The schools send notices to mom but not to me. The doctor’s office calls mom but not me. A mom friend who came for a BBQ brought a wagon full of food because she worried I can’t cook (I’m fairly accomplished.) It’s frustrating. Women I’ve encountered see me as different. Their husbands don’t cook and clean and take care of the kids. Instead, those dads tend to work long hours and leave the household and parenting duties to the mom. Some women have even suggested this makes me unmanly. Whatever.
Broad generalizations that lead to societal myths are damaging to involved dads like me as we try to don the non-traditional role of single care provider. (I’ve already said my two cents about DadGoneMad admitting he dreaded alone time with his kids, and I’ve bemoaned the entertainment media for depicting so many deadbeat dads. Talk about setting dads back a century or two.)
Want gender equality? By all means, take it. But with it, let’s leave gender bias out of the single-parent dating debate.

I Miss Movies and Making Out

Ah, first dates. A time for awkward silences or intense lip-locking. Hand-holding or Hell-bound conversations. A connection or a complete disaster. And as we get older, it doesn't seem to get any easier. In fact, it seems to just become more complicated.

When I was in high school I dated the same guy on-and-off throughout my youthful summers. Those dates were the best--filled with a DVD rental from Blockbuster, a comfy couch and a complete thrilling two hours of making out in the safety of his basement away from his parents (even though once in awhile his mom would yell down to "see if we wanted any popcorn"). While our dates were never filled with mind-blowing conversations or romantic gestures, they were still easy, comfortable, and best of all, fun.
Nowadays there is so much more pressure on the dreaded first date. On top of trying to find a connection, we struggle to see if we're attracted, if we share the same interests, if we have a similar belief system, what kind of politics do we follow, what's the family situation, what do we spend our money on...the list could go on and on. For some of the topics, they are mere details...but certain subjects can be deal-breakers.

For example, when we were young did we really care what our romantic interests did for a living? Of course not. In fact, I was probably more impressed by someone who worked at a fast-food restaurant for the simple fact that I could score some free food off him during his shift. Now, if a guy even mentions the words Wendys or Taco 'Hell' we run for the hills. I long for the days when we weren't concerned with titles, committments, appearances...and just went with how we felt about someone. Even if we're lucky enough to find someone we feel like horomone-induced-teenagers with again, down the road we start to pick and choose what we can deal with and what is going to have to change to make the relationship work.

So while I obviously can't pretend I'm 17 again, I certainly hope I can bring some of that fun and friskyness to dating. After all with the economy being what it is, there is nothing cheaper than a Red Box rental and a night in on the sofa.

Dating Isn't Everything

The dating blogger community is very interesting and unique. There’s as much drama, backstabbing and gossiping as in any other niche community. Someone we can’t see outside of the bubble to realize that, this is really just that, a niche. It’s a part of our lives, but at times we all believe it to be our life. That’s when we make a very large mistake.
Dating isn’t the same thing as a relationship, which isn’t the same thing as marriage. These are all niches under a larger umbrella, lifestyle. While there are magazines dedicated to dating, there’s also magazines dedicated to sports, fishing, and interior decorticating. They are all facests of our life, but not our lives. They all make up a part of our lifestyle. At one time or another, they may take the dominant position.
Why do I bring this up? For those who think this post is about you, it’s not. The larger point I’m hinting at is, dating isn’t the only thing a person can do in their life. It’s not a hobby, or a job. Even those who are professionals in the dating circle have a life outside of their job, which is directly related to dating. Life doesn’t end if you can’t find a date on Sunday, or if they don’t call you back. We all make this mistake, dating blogger or not.
Dating should add to your life, not become your sole purpose. Sometimes I felt addicted to Loveawake, when I probably should have done something else. I could have gone out, worked out more, slept earlier. While the reward from dating can be exciting and high value, so can the rewards of playing the lottery. That doesn’t mean it will be the only thing you do.
I’m recommending to Enjoy your life, get away from the dating website. Go out with friends, walk around the city, do something you like! The profiles and messages will still be there when you come back!

пятница, 11 октября 2019 г.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Massaging a Woman

Prove you can take care of her, and she’ll be putty in your hands.

It’s a quarter to midnight in Paris. The summer streets are full of laughter and the sun set only half an hour ago. Uniformed waiters are offering carafes of wine. Back at Marie’s apartment it’s still not clear whether I’ll be sleeping on the couch or the bed. But I’m tired. I just arrived in Paris after a month in the south of France. My plane home leaves in three days.

If I make the wrong move those could be a difficult three days. We have dinners planned, I’m supposed to sign books at Shakespeare & Co. tomorrow and meet with my editor from L’Optium. But she sits down next to me. This is the first time we have been alone together. And I realize that under her sundress she ne porte pas de soutien-gorge.
And so I debate making the offer…

“You are asking for and building trust. At the time you are asking for trust, you are also asking another person to disrobe and turn their back to you. This can be fun. It can be terrifying. But what it should not be is awkward.”

A massage is like a glass of wine. It’s great to offer her after a long day. It can be refreshing. It can be fun. It can lead to sex, or even easier to a nice nap. But giving a woman a good massage is something more akin to a palm reading. You’re exploring her, reading her body, learning how she is in her skin. So, like a horoscope, it needs to be personal and it should reflect who she is. But it needs a good structure.

And this is one of those times where knowing what you’re doing, working confidently and methodically, can make any amateur man into a godlike figure. Forget navigating the wine list, forget having heated bathroom floors or flowers in every room of your house. They’re nice. But if you really want to show a woman you can take care of her, you need to up your massage game. Which is something I have done for years, but I realize now that I should get some professional advice.

So I asked Rachel Beider, LMT, owner of Brooklyn’s Massage Williamsburg for some tips…

1. Talk to your partner.
“Ask her where she has pain or tension. During your massage, make sure to focus on those spots in particular.”
Massage takes the lactic acid from stress, athletics and other unsexy things from the reaches of your body and moves it through the body to the—
“Nope. That’s a myth.”
“Yeah. Here’s some info about the lactic acid myth from the NY Times.”
“I have been using that in my massage bedside manner speech for at least 10 years.”
Apparently knots are caused by layers of muscle that get “stuck.” They leave you sore and stiff. Massage works to undo that.
Let’s let the expert get into it:

2. Set the mood.
“Choose a quiet room, light a candle, play some relaxing music and get comfortable. If your partner prefers to be seated, put a pillow in her lap for support. Make sure she’s warm and comfortable.”
And the candle works for one simple reason: It’s an excellent light to be naked in. Flattering. Quiet. It’s the Instagram filter of the bedroom.
Also the massage surface must be firm. Tempur-Pedics, futons, even a yoga mat on a firm surface with a towel over it works in a pinch. Speaking of which…

3. Have towels on hand.
If this is your first time touching her flesh, you want the towel for a number of great reasons. It shows you care about her comfort and modesty and it will keep just-rubbed areas warm while the muscles cool down.
Here’s how it goes down: You hand her a (clean) towel and say, “I’m going to step out and wash my hands, why don’t you take your shirt off and lay down on your stomach and we’ll begin.” A massage therapist is not going to stand around checking his phone while she disrobes and puts her bracelets someplace safe and neither should you.

4. Speak as much as possible.
Be direct and clear. How you handle yourself is just as important as how you handle her. “I’m going to start now.” If she has a bra on, let her know you’re going to unhook it for her and leave it there like she’s sunning her shoulders.

“A massage therapist is not going to stand around checking his phone while she disrobes and puts her bracelets someplace safe and neither should you.”

5. Use proper oil.
It has to be there. Talcum powder is also suitable. But keep in mind that this is a woman’s skin. This is a good one for home court advantage on her part because you can put a cream she already likes on places she can’t reach. Sun tan lotion is a fun replacement in the winter because it smells like warm days.

Years ago I bought a legit bottle of scented massage oil and I usually offer either that or a regular grocery store jar of coconut oil. Girls always choose the unscented coconut oil. It’s great for the skin and at the end you don’t feel like you need a shower. Personally, I see this as an indicator of what she hopes to get out of the massage. A woman who wants your hands on her later will usually choose for the one that doesn’t have herbs and spices in it.

The great thing about coconut oil is that it’s thick viscosity means you have to rub it together with your hands and get it warm to work. It feels like hard chapstick. This is a good reminder for all guys attempting the massage: You have to warm up the oil in your hands. Do not, under any circumstances, just squirt the cold bottle of topping on her. She’s a woman, not a hotdog.
“Rather than starting with lots of movement or technique, warm your hands by rubbing them together, and then let your fingers slowly sink into her shoulders and see what you feel. This is called palpation—it’s like the difference between looking at words on a page, and actually reading them.” Beider says. “For a massage to be truly exceptional, you should start by feeling what’s happening with your partner and responding to it.”

6. Ask questions.
This is where the curious man will never get bored. Women who work at desks have a lot of stress in their shoulders. Waitresses have burnt triceps. “Do you wear glasses at work?” I find myself asking if she has a lot of stress in the neck. This is pretty much the easiest and best possible time to tell a woman what you’re feeling.

The body is a bit of a crystal ball in that sense. “You have a lot of stress in your lower back. What do you think causes that?” Everyone. Everyone. Everyone likes being told that they must put up with a lot to have knots in their shoulders. It’s like when your boxing coach complains that his hands hurt after he took the mitts off and you say, “A boxing coach noticed!”

7. Work that body.
I studied anatomy in school, but this is a great chance to use what you’ve picked up over the years from personal trainers, sports trainers and ER doctors when you’ve gotten injured. Sometimes vocabulary is the best medicine. If you’ve pulled a shoulder before, tell her about the stress to her tendons. Ask about her sports history.

“The flipside is that if you leave her there on a table in the cold dark room and stop for even 30 seconds she won’t feel relaxed at all. How is she supposed to know you aren’t taking pictures with your phone or are suddenly disgusted with what you see? (Don’t be that guy). ”

There’s one thing missing from all amateur massage guides, and I want to take a second to address it right now: You are asking for and building trust. At the time you are asking for trust, you are also asking another person to disrobe and turn their back to you. This can be fun. It can be terrifying. But what it should not be is awkward: Talk, tell her when you’re going to warm up some more cream, keep a hand connected to her when you reach for an extra towel. Make it fun and make her feel like you can take care of her.
The flipside is that if you leave her there on a table in the cold dark room and stop for even 30 seconds she won’t feel relaxed at all. How is she supposed to know you aren’t taking pictures with your phone or are suddenly disgusted with what you see? (Don’t be that guy).

For the same reason that you can’t tickle yourself or do your own chiropractics, a good massage is beyond what someone can do for him- or herself. Keep that in mind. That’s why you have her lie facedown.

When massaging the lower body, work from her feet up—the Achilles, calves, hamstrings and thighs. Maybe you’ve rubbed your calves or shoulders after a workout. But have you ever given your own ass a rubdown? If I could do that I would never leave the house.

Work at all times in small circles up the circulatory system. Wikipedia has some charts. Get an anatomy app. The fantastic Essential Anatomy 5 is probably the priciest app in my phone, but at $24.99 it’s still cheaper than a textbook or a class. It beats my copy of Grey’s Anatomy.
Here’s a simple thing to remember: all things being equal, you want long strokes for long body parts and intricate ones for intricate ones. Legs and lats need long vertical rubs; fingers, ears and necks need smaller, circular rubs.

Use the areas of your hand differently as you fan out from bone to muscle. Use the palm around the spine, the pads of your hands on the ribs and just barely use the fingertips on the flanks (a.k.a. the sideboob region).
Try to be firm-but-not-too-firm, like the mattress. A weak massage is as unsatisfying as a weak handshake. But there’s a limit. “Too much pressure is stressful,” notes Beider. “I always tell clients we want ‘delicious pain, not scary pain.’ ”

“I like to leave the neck and head for last, because these areas are sensitive and will be easier to work on if the rest of the body is feeling relaxed.”
The head massage is probably the most underrated of all. You can do it on a long plane ride or while someone else runs the grill on vacation.
And this concludes the pro-advised portion of this guide.

Normally that would be the end and I would tell you to hone your craft. Do some hand massages. A patient partner will be happy to help you practice. So try that. Maybe do a short one this week to build your confidence.

But here’s one thing I learned that astonished me: There are myriad laws to protect clients and masseurs. Sometimes a person who goes to a massage parlor isn’t there for a foot rub, if you know what I’m saying. In New York it is a felonyjust to give a massage for pay without a license. (In the eyes of the law, it’s the same as being an unlicensed dentist). For this reason most LMT’s have to deal with laws about draping and nudity.

This means that even a professional masseuse can massage her pecs, but not her breasts. This means she’s counting on you, guy. Breast tissue carries with it just as much stress as anywhere else. They need gentle kneading and care.

Back in Paris now. Marie is facedown on the bed in just a pair of French knickers. She looks like Bridgette Bardot sunning her shoulders in Monte Carlo. At the very end I tell her to just relax there for a minute. Her body just went through a huge experience, and the pressure to reciprocate might undo that. I drape a towel over her and bring a glass of water (dehydration can cause sore muscles).

When I get up to leave the bedroom she asks me to stay. And the next three days were the best part of the whole trip…